Walking Through Medan: A Day of Mindful and Silent Travel

Mindful Walking Through Medan

365daystravel Desti Walking Through Medan: A Day of Mindful and Silent Travel – I decide to begin this journey not with flights, trains, or fancy hotels, but with my feet touching the ground—right here, in Medan. Walking the city offers an opportunity to slow down, breathe with intention, and meet life exactly as it is: chaotic yet beautiful, noisy but soulful.

This day will be an exercise in mindful travel—moving slowly, observing deeply, and letting the city unfold without rushing. Silence will be my companion as I walk from Mesjid Agung (The Grand Mosque) to Maimoon Palace, and finally treat myself at Tip Top Restaurant—a place where time stands still.

Let’s begin.

Mesjid Agung Medan: Breathing in the Sacred

The Grand Mosque of Medan, known as Masjid Raya Al-Mashun, rises gracefully in Moorish and Ottoman design. Its black domes stand out beneath the sun, inviting all who visit to step out of their minds and into the sacred stillness.

Majid raya medan
The Masjid Raya Medan

I walk towards the mosque’s entrance, removing my shoes and letting my mind quiet as I enter. Inside, soft carpets welcome my steps, absorbing both sound and worry. Every breath seems more intentional here, carried by the silent echoes of prayers whispered across generations. (Check here Masjid Raya located on the map)

Before leaving, I pause for a moment, sitting in a corner, observing how light filters through the stained-glass windows. Even the smallest flicker of sunlight feels like a conversation with the divine.

As you walk today, notice your breath: Is it hurried or slow? Can you take one slow inhale and one soft exhale with every few steps?

Walking Through Medan Visiting Maimoon Palace A Glimpse into Royal Legacy

Leaving the mosque, I walk along Jalan Sisingamangaraja towards Maimoon Palace, about 10 minutes away. The streets pulse with life—vendors selling fresh fruits, motorbikes weaving through traffic, and the familiar scent of Medan’s streets: fried bananas and spices mingling with warm air.

Maimon Palace Medan
The Maimon Palace Medan

As I reach the palace gates, the grandeur of Istana Maimoon—its blend of Malay, Indian, and Italian architecture—invites me in. This palace once housed the Sultanate of Deli, and wandering through its halls feels like stepping into a forgotten time. The wooden interiors whisper stories of old Medan: cultural fusions, colonial pasts, and royal gatherings long gone. (Check here Maimoon Palace located on the map)

I stop at a balcony and look out toward the modern-day streets. There’s a soft hum of nostalgia in the air, as if the palace remembers but does not cling to the past.

Reflection Walking Through Medan:

Where in your life are you holding on to old stories? What can you release to make space for the present moment?

Tip Top Restaurant: Where Time Stands Still

From Maimoon Palace, my feet guide me toward the heart of Medan’s heritage district. A leisurely 20-minute walk brings me to Tip Top Restaurant—an old colonial-era café that has stood still in time since the 1930s. (Check here Tip top Located on the map)

Tip top Restaurant Medan
Walking Medan – Tip top Restaurant Medan for Refreshment

The moment I step inside, I’m transported to a different era. White tablecloths cover wooden tables, waiters wear crisp uniforms, and ceiling fans spin lazily, as if refusing to be hurried. I sit by the window, order a cold Es Campur and a plate of Roti Bakar, and let the city’s pulse slow down around me.

Tip Top is more than a restaurant—it’s a place where stories linger. Writers, thinkers, and travelers have gathered here over the years to sip coffee and reflect. Today, I join them, savoring each bite of bread, feeling the coldness of the dessert melt into sweetness on my tongue.

Anchoring the Journey in Presence

The walking in Medan has been more than a physical journey—it’s been a journey inward. Moving through these places slowly, I feel the essence of the city seep into me: the sacred calm of Mesjid Agung, the nostalgic charm of Maimoon Palace, and the quiet comfort of Tip Top Restaurant.

As I finish my tea, I make a silent promise to myself. Each day of this 365-day journey will be an invitation to stay present, no matter where I am. Life is not waiting in some far-off destination—it’s here, now, in every breath, every step, and every bite.

Invitation to Readers

Take a walk today. Choose a route, any route, and commit to moving slowly. Breathe deeply, observe without judgment, and if you can, walk in silence. See how the world changes when you do.

Journey Recap for Day 1 – Walking Through Medan

  • Distance Walked walking in Medan: ~3 km (Mesjid Agung → Maimoon Palace → Tip Top)
  • Key Highlights:
    • Spiritual moments at Mesjid Agung.
    • Historical reflections at Maimoon Palace.
    • Nostalgic refreshment at Tip Top Restaurant.
    • Mindful Contemplation: Breath awareness while walking.
    • Reflection: What old story can you release today?

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About the author
I am Desti from Samosir Island and love writing and sharing story tellink about tourism and travel story